
Mode :AU (10m -> 70cm) PSK31
Uplink28,120 USB
Downlink :435,350 FM
Mode :V (VHF repeater) Packet 1k2 APRS
Uplink145,825 FM
Downlink :145,825 FM
Status :Active - Change the status :

NO-84 also know as PSAT or ParkinsonSAT is a project of the students of the United States Naval Academy. Callsign is PSAT (When digipeater is on) and PSAT-1 (When digipeater is off)

Launched date : 20 May, 2015
Latitude : °
Longitude :°
Altitude : km
Actual Surface Range : km
Actual speed : km/s
Maximum Visibility Time : minutes
Actual Apogee latitude : °
Apogee : km
Apogee 6 months prevision for NO-84 :

Two-Line Element set (TLE) :