JAS-2 (FO-29)

Mode :J (2m -> 70cm) SSB/CW
Uplink145,900 - 146,000 LSB
Downlink :435,800 - 435,900 USB
Mode :CW Beacon
Downlink :435,795 CW
Status :Active - Change the status :

FO-29 is also know as JAS-2 (Fuji-OSCAR 29) and have been build in Japan.

It orbits the Earth in a polar orbit at 1300 km altitude in a time of 112 minutes. The inclination is 98°. The transmission power of the beacon is 100 mW, the transponder 1 watt.

Dimensions : 44 cm x 47 cm
Launched date : August 17, 1996
Distance record : 7,599.959 km. KG5CCI in EM34st11tl <> F4CQA in JN17ea22ot. 27-Aug-2015 at 17:32 UTC
Latitude : °
Longitude :°
Altitude : km
Actual Surface Range : km
Actual speed : km/s
Maximum Visibility Time : minutes
Actual Apogee latitude : °
Apogee : km
Apogee 6 months prevision for FO-29 :

Two-Line Element set (TLE) :

1 24278U 96046B 25037.72242695 .00000037 00000-0 76749-4 0 9999
2 24278 98.5877 307.7102 0349129 300.9455 55.7806 13.53236330406159