
Mode :J (2m -> 70cm) FM
Uplink145,850 FM
Downlink :436,795 FM
Status :Inactive - Change the status :

Currently active for four minutes on ascending and descending passes over mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere

Latitude : °
Longitude :°
Altitude : km
Actual Surface Range : km
Actual speed : km/s
Maximum Visibility Time : minutes
Actual Apogee latitude : °
Apogee : km
Apogee 6 months prevision for AO-27 :

Two-Line Element set (TLE) :

1 22825U 93061C 24116.72853699 .00000421 00000-0 17926-3 0 9996
2 22825 98.7935 168.9445 0007611 226.8678 133.1868 14.30467941595382