Mode :J (2m -> 70cm) PACKET RADIO 9600 Bauds
Uplink145,840 FM
Downlink :435,103 FM
Status :Active - Change the status :

FalconSAT-3 was built in 2005 and 2006 by cadets and faculty in the Space Systems Research Center at the US Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO. It is the fourth in a series of small satellites designed, built and operated there as part of a capstone course and which brings together about 30 cadets each year from several different academic departments.
Latitude : °
Longitude :°
Altitude : km
Actual Surface Range : km
Actual speed : km/s
Maximum Visibility Time : minutes
Actual Apogee latitude : °
Apogee : km
Apogee 6 months prevision for FS-3 :

Two-Line Element set (TLE) :